Adapting our business during the covid crisis 19(18 May 2020)

adaptation au covid19 sur les chantiers de Velocita

Like many companies, Velocita Energies has had to adapt its activities to the context of the covid 19 health crisis.

We chose to work from home as much as possible and decided to stop our current work sites in order to protect our teams, those of all the companies working on the sites and the residents of the communities concerned.

Work on the wind farms “Entre Tille et Venelle” in Côte d’Or, “Vannier-Amance” in Haute-Marne and the electrical substation at “La Rigotte” were all halted until mid-May.

Work has gradually resumed and a recovery plan of activities has been put in place to ensure the health and safety of everyone involved. This exceptional situation will have little impact on the work schedules, which have been adjusted and optimized in order to maintain the initial deadlines as much as possible. 

The delivery of the wind turbines for the “Vannier amance” wind farm will take place as planned at the beginning of 2021. The manufacturing plants do not operate on a just-in-time basis and the majority of the wind turbine components were already manufactured before the health crisis.


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