New wind farm construction site : Les Hauts de la Rigotte(10 October 2023)

Our construction team has started the works on “Les Hauts de la Rigotte” wind farm in Haute Saône. Located in the communes of Molay, La Quarte, La Rochelle and Charmes-Saint-Valbert, it is composed of 6 wind turbines with an installed capacity of 15.75 MW. Local companies are currently carrying out the civil engineering work, including the creation of access roads, platforms and foundations. The turbines will arrive on site during the summer 2024. This wind farm is part of the creation of a 3-wind farm complex, the other two being located a few kilometers away in the neighboring Haute-Marne department (Vannier and Sud Vannier wind farms). With a total of 32 wind turbines, this wind farm will generate over 200 GWh annually, equivalent to the domestic consumption of 90,000 people.


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